Kids Camp at Grey Stone Church.

camper application form

Registration and Enrollment

Registration is open for qualified children who have completed Kindergarten through Eighth Grades. To be fully registered, you must complete this registration form and turn in a payment of a non-refundable registration of $60 (per child).


Acceptance Policy

All Grey Stone Kids Camp applicants are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, depending on space allotments and proper staff-to-child ratios. In the event Grey Stone Kids Camp becomes full, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted in a timely manner.

Grey Stone Kids Camp will accept child applications throughout the summer provided that the parents read registration material, complete application, and provide prompt payment. The registration fee will still be required for mid-summer applicants.

Operation and Holiday Schedule

Grey Stone Kids Camp will operate 7:30a.m. – 5:30p.m. Monday through Friday. There is a fee of $1 per minute if your child is late being picked up.

The week of July 4th will be a four-day camp week. Grey Stone Kids Camp will be closed on July 4th. Camp tuition will remain consistent with other weeks of camp.


Field Trips

Off Campus field trips or special events on campus will take place throughout the summer. Specific information for each field trip will be made available in a timely manner before the trip. Each camper will need to bring a bagged lunch, unless otherwise notified by the Director. There will be no staff to care for those who do not wish to attend a field trip and the parent/guardian will be responsible for finding other care during that day.

I authorize Grey Stone Kids Camp to transport my child to and from Camp for various activities including field trips


Emergency Procedures

Should it become necessary to dismiss the campers during the day due to inclement weather or other unexpected emergencies, parents will be notified via email and phone calls.



Our philosophy regarding discipline is that it is not punishment, but a positive method of redirecting a child’s behavior. Firm expectations will be set from the beginning whereby your child should know what appropriate behavior is expected from him/her. Methods based on positive reinforcement will be used to foster this concept. It is our philosophy that the reassurance of having guidelines is important to a child’s healthy growth.


Grey Stone Kids Camp counselors will follow the Discipline Policy outlined by the NCDHHS.  Please find the policy here.

If a major problem regarding discipline occurs whereby the safety or well-being of your child or any other individual at Grey Stone Kids Camp is at risk, they may have a loss of privilege, or a brief separation from the group may be imposed. If in the Administration’s opinion, any child is not demonstrating an appropriate adjustment to the program that is offered, then that child shall be subject to dismissal at the Administration’s discretion. The Administration will make a good faith effort to meet with the parents of a child subject to dismissal prior to dismissing the child.


Parent-Director Communications

Conferences may be scheduled as needed with the Administration. We welcome any comments, suggestions, or questions that you may have. All communication regarding discipline or camp concerns must be discussed with the Director first. Parents will not be allowed to discuss incidents or concerns without the Director’s approval and presence during the conversation. The Director will work to listen and resolve any concern that may arise during the summer.



If your child damages any equipment or property through misuse or abuse, you will be responsible for the cost of replacement or repair.



Written notification, via the medication form must be given to the Director authorizing Grey Stone Kids Camp administration of the medication. Medication must be in the original container, clearly labeled with the child’s name. The form must have the prescribed dosage, name of medication, and expiration date. All medication must be brought in a labeled zip-top plastic bag and will be kept by the Director.


Sick Policy

If Grey Stone Kids Camp becomes aware that your child has been exposed to any sicknesses while at Grey Stone Kids Camp, you will be notified as soon as possible.

A child that is sick cannot be admitted in Grey Stone Kids Camp where the health of others can be endangered. Prior to allowing a child that is sick to return to Grey Stone Kids Camp, the Administration may require a written statement from the child’s doctor stating that the child is no longer contagious.

Please keep your child at home should he/she have any of the following symptoms: Red/discharging eyes, rash, fever, discolored or runny bowel movement/diarrhea, vomiting, deep cough, or difficulty breathing.

All children must be free of fever, vomiting, and/or diarrhea for at least 24 hours before being readmitted to Grey Stone Kids Camp.


Accidents and Emergencies

All accidents causing injury to your child while at Grey Stone Kids Camp will be documented with a written report.

If a child is seriously injured and Grey Stone Kids Camp or needs emergency treatment, the following steps will be taken:

1.    Every reasonable effort will be made to contact the parent(s)

2.    A staff member will call 911and every effort will be made to take your child to your preferred hospital for treatment

3.    If the Parent(s)/Guardian cannot be contacted, those listed in the application as an emergency contact will be contacted.


Audio/Photo/Video/Social Media Release form for Minors

I understand that active participation in Grey Stone Church activities and enrollment in Grey Stone Kids Camp, both on and off church campus properties(including Field Trips, Events, Public Programs, and Presentations) involves the use of photography, video, audio recording, social media reproduction and promotion. I understand the policy that Grey Stone Church and Grey Stone Kids Camp Staff will not use or reproduce these images/audio/video/social media for personal use. I authorize Grey Stone Church and Grey Stone Kids Camp to use photographs and/or video and audio taken of my minor child.



I release Grey Stone Kids Camp from all liability relating to injuries that may occur on camp grounds, transportation and while on camp field trips. I agree to hold Grey Stone Kids Camp entirely free from any and all liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred.

I also acknowledge the risks involved with typical camp activities. I forfeit all right to bring suit against Grey Stone Kids Camp for any reason. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in the Grey Stone Kids Camp guidelines.


Financial Policies

The tuition will be due before your child checks in to camp. All payments must be kept current. An account that becomes delinquent may result in immediate termination of enrollment. Should a check be returned for any reason, the re will be a $30service charge.

Checks will be processed Monday mornings. Any checks received after 9:00 on Monday mornings will be held until the following Monday for deposit.

A letter of contribution for childcare expenses will be mailed at the end of they ear for tax purposes.


Program Dismissal

Should your child be subject to mandatory dismissal from camp, for any reason, no refund will be issued for their missed time.

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GSKU Family Resources

Download the Weekly Activity Pages

  • Nov 29: Unit 27- Session 4
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 1
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2


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2601 Hillsborough Road
Durham, NC 27705

office phone:

(M-F 8am - 5pm)

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