college & young professionals

We believe

We are a ministry focused on College and College Aged individuals. Our goal is to join you in navigating these years after high school and help make your faith in Jesus Christ your own. Come find your HAVEN in the Word, HAVEN at Grey Stone, and journey with friends through one of the most exciting seasons of life!

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College & Young Professionals...
During This Season Of Social Distancing,
Check Out This 6 Part Video Series By Tony Merida

watch now
Two girls hugging each other at Grey Stone Church.

encourage believers

We want to be a ministry that clearly communicates the life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. After that we want to be a ministry that encourages our surrounding community by serving them the way Jesus intended us to.

"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


Grow Disciples

Growth happens through being a part of a Gospel-centered community. While sharing life in this Haven community, we are connected to Biblical teaching, authentic worship, individual & group study, servant evangelism, missions, and more.

Equip Missionaries

We realize that many within our community are here for just a season of life. Whether going off to school, graduating, re-locating for a new job, or another opportunity, we recognize the need to equip people to be missionaries wherever they go. The goal is not for Haven to be a closed chapter in someone’s life, but an ongoing part of their story!

"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us."

ACTS 17:26-27




life groups

be a part of haven

We are more than just a young adults group!
Join now, to have fun, make friends, and grow in Christ!


life groups

Join us Sundays at 10am in A-400 “The Upper Room” above the Sanctuary as we take a deep breath from the craziness of life through games, prayer, and discussing God’s Word



Work and school weighing on you?  Take a break and hang out with us Wednesdays at 7:45pm in  A-400 “The Upper Room”
for some fun as we grow deeper together and encourage one another in our walk with God

Summer Jam background  at Grey Stone ChurchWindstar  at Grey Stone ChurchHalf planet  at Grey Stone Church

GSKU Family Resources

Download the Weekly Activity Pages

  • Nov 29: Unit 27- Session 4
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 1
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2
  • Dec 06: Unit 28- Session 2


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2601 Hillsborough Road
Durham, NC 27705

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(M-F 8am - 5pm)

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